About Us
My name is Jim Oliver.
I am an Executive Product Coordinator.
I help my clients take advantage of the tsunami of changes in the Science of Sweetness.
I work with the Chief Science Officer at the Brix Glycemic Impact Research and Science Institute
Everything we eat and drink impacts our bodies in some way, no matter if it's low-fat or high-fat, high-protein or no-protein, a carbohydrate, a sugar, an artificial sweetener, added sugar or no sugar. No matter what we consume, there's a metabolic response that impacts our bodies in some way.
Don't you think it's time we better understood what that impact might be.
That's the mission and the passion of the Brix Glycemic Impact Research and Science Institute. They're a research and certification company dedicated to helping us all better understand how the foods and beverages we consume affect us all.
Not only are they dedicated to educating us on the foods we eat, they're on a mission to help food companies create and/or reformulate any edible product by providing independent investigations and verification in order to identify Blood Sugar and Metabolic Impact of a Nutraceutical, Pharmaceutical, Food or Beverage, Sugar, Sweetener, or Bio-Sweetener for claims and FDA CFR21 label substantiation.
The Chief Science Officer at the Brix Glycemic Impact Research and Science Institute has two patents that have generated over $1 Billion Dollars in sales. And tested in over 250,000 people.
Brix Glycemic Impact Research and Science Institute has 30 years of experience of clinical trials.
The natural human metabolic GPS system provided is GRAS approved. GRAS is the highest rating you can get from the FDA for how safe a product is.
The human metabolic GPS system provided is NSF approved. Which means it is allowed to be in pro-sports.
Brix Glycemic Impact Research and Science Institute is the only company that has the Brix and glycemic response of every sugar and sweetener. In fact, they have the world’s largest database.
Brix Glycemic Impact Research and Science Institute has 30 years of board-approved, human in vivo clinical trials proving how the body and brain respond to all sugars and sweeteners.
Brix Glycemic Impact Research and Science Institute knows the metabolic response of 400 sweeteners.
It’s the largest database in the world.
If you're a company looking to Up Your Game
and produce and supply better products,
let’s find ways we can all work together
to create better foods, beverages,
supplements, pharmaceuticals,
sugars, and sweeteners
for Everybody.
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